AGSPACE GIS Certification for Florida's Digital Tools Certificates Enters 2nd Year
Now Available for Middle School Agriculture, Environmental, or Science Programs
The Florida Digital Tools Certificates enter their second year with many classrooms offering certifiable digital skills to students. The only agriculture/environmental specific program, the AGSPACE certification recognizes and teaches GIS skills while exploring agriculture and environmental applications. This certification is perfect for all types of programs that focus on agriculture as well as biology, ecology, and environmental/sustainability applications.
For more information on the AGSPACE Certification: Click Here!
School Spotlight - Houston School for Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice
Each year, students at Houston School for Law Enforcement learn about GIS using the Digital Quest GIS in Homeland Security course. Their year culminates in using their newly acquired skills to analyze a local problem. These maps showcase some of the great analysis students produced while studying hurricanes and emergency preparedness!
Click the image to the right to begin the slide show!
Digital Quest, a national leader in geospatial education, is partnering with the National Partnership for Careers in Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (NPCLPSCS) to raise the importance of geospatial technology in law and public safety classrooms.
To Read More Click Here!
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