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TSA National Geospatial Technology Competition

Download Materials:

To complete the lessons, you will need the following materials.

1. Printable Lessons

These lessons are intended for use in preparation for the TSA National Geospatial Contest. The lessons provide a range of ArcGIS geospatial skills from geoprocessing to layout creation in the context of Green & Sustainability pathways. The subsequent lessons each focus on one of three green and sustainable pathways using skills for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics career cluster.

TSA Printable Lesson

2. Dataset Download

In order to complete the lesson, you will need to download the dataset. Click the TSA Lesson Dataset link to begin the download. Once downloaded, unzip, and then run the installer to place the files in the location referenced in the lessons.

TSA Lesson Dataset

3. Obtaining ESRI's ArcGIS

To complete these lessons, you will need ESRI's ArcGIS. If you are not sure if you have a license and want to look in to purchasing a copy, please contact Digital Quest @ 877-573-6683, ext. 1. To obtain a 60 Day trial, visit ESRI's website at


Welcome TSA competitors and advisors. Your arrival here means you are on your way to showcasing your skills at the 2015 TSA National Geospatial Technology Competitive Event. Digital Quest is pleased to provide support and content for the TSA competitive event including the lessons provided here.

The lessons are designed to give competitors experience and practice with geospatial technology through Green and Sustainability applications before tackling the Design Brief problem posed for the middle school competitive event. After downloading the lessons and the dataset, complete the setup as instructed in the Getting Started section of the lessons.

After completing the lessons, competitors will apply, adapt, and expand these skills to answer the Design Brief problem. Further instructions for answering the Design Brief and preparing the required notebook can be found at the official competitive event site.

Should you require any additional assistance, please use the "contact us" link above or email us directly at

Good Luck, and we look forward to seeing your skills and ideas on showcase at the national conference!

For Advisors

With these lessons and any of our courses, our philosophy is to give both the teacher and the student every thing they need to be successful. If you are offering these lessons with multiple students or an entire class, we can supply Lesson Plans, Assessments, PowerPoints and PowerPoint Notes to help facilitate the class. Please contact us for more information by clicking here.

Also, feel free to look around at the full Green & Sustainability course our other courses and certifications.

The Digital Quest Team

To return to the TSA Competitive Event Themes and Problems Webpage, Click Here.